Monday, July 24, 2006

Do you have the stomach to be an acrobat? Child acrobat strengthening his stomach muscles.
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Friday, March 17, 2006

Another fall, another phone. Another broken 21-pin slot, another PDA.

I've had my phones left in my pocket and washed in the washing machine, driven over when it fell out of my pocket in the car park and lost a number of times. PDAs - fallen and cracked and the latest the slot where the sync cable goes in cracked.

Each time it costs too much to repair, so sometimes with a sense of relief despite the tragedy of the lost, its time to but a new tech toy.

This time I bought an Acer n311 to replace my HP IPAQ 5550. Much smaller but to be honest the screen aint too bright despite the VGA. Minimum spec when I was out hunting for a replacment was bluetooth + wifi. Pondered over getting a camera PDA like the Atom but apart from cost, I kind of like having a phone that's a phone and not a slow PDA pretending to be a phone.